Seishinkan Dojo hold an upgrading (test) in every 3 months. These are some of the photos taken during the test....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Seishinkan Dojo hold an upgrading (test) in every 3 months. These are some of the photos taken during the test....
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The year 2007 marks the 35th year since Aikikai Aikido was brought into Malaysia by Jun Yamada Shihan and also the 50th year of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Japan.
In conjunction with these two auspicious events, a seminar was held on the 1st - 2nd September 2007 at the Seri Pacific Hotel in Kuala Lumpur which had the honor of five Shihans conducting the training classes: Masatake Fujita Shihan and Hiroshi Somemiya Sensei from Hombu Dojo, Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan from Thailand, Nobuo Takase Shihan from New Zealand and Jun Yamada Shihan himself. Participants from all over the region including Phillipines, Thailand, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Singapore, Oceania, Japan and Malaysia also attended.
Photos of Jun Yamada, Shihan

Hikmah Dojo, Petra Jaya, Kuching, Sarawak.
Prior to his departure to Kuala Lumpur in 2001 Yamada Shihan had been living with his wife Madam Kimiko in Kuching, Sarawak for over 30 years. We are ever grateful to him for his teachings and his guidance during the years spent training at his Kuching dojo at Petra Jaya, Kuching.
Fees and Prices

Aikido Seishinkan is entirely a non profit organisation. The instructors receive no remuneration for the classes they teach. The fees that are chargeable to the students go to pay for rent, electricity and water consumed.
Class fees
RM100.00 for 3 months to be paid on or before the 10th of the final month, failing which a fine of RM10.00 is imposed (For each month of every quarter).
RM35.00 application fee (one time payment) for new students.
RM25.00 application fee for students attempting any kyu up-grading exam.
We do not encourage very young children to join us although certain dojos do teach children's classes. The preferable minimum age for entry at Seishinkan is 15 years old. For some parents who would like enroll their kids, the dojo allows 2 free classes to determine whether or they can become a member.
Gi and Belt
RM65.00 for gi jacket and trousers and white belt which can be purchased from the dojo, subject to availability.
About Aikido

The Martial Art
The Japanese martial art of aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba, fondly referred to as O'Sensei. It is a relatively new art which continues to gain great popularity globally. This is primarily due to the sophistication of the art which does not depend upon brute strength but lays its emphasis on relaxation and upon using an opponent's strength against themselves.
The techniques involved are circular in nature and never clash with the attack. The whole body is used to blend and flow in rhythm with an attack and to dispel the attacker by a throw or to lead the attacker to the ground into an immoblization lock.
Aikido training not only teaches dealing with attacks by a single assailant but also attacks from multiple assailants; we also deal with attacks from various strikes and holds as well as attacks where weapons are used.
Joining Up
To be a member of Aikido Seishinkan :
1. Fill Membership Form;
2. Registration Fee RM35 (one time only);
3. Quarterly Dues RM100 (per 3 months).
Aikido gi and belt are available for purchase @ RM65.
Aikido is for anyone - whether they be male or female, young or old. Aikido is the practice of martial skill, to be able to blend in timing and co-ordination with another human being. Our students, of whom we have male and female members, range in age from the 20s to the 50s.
The Instructors
Jong Kong Min, Fukushidoin (Chief Instructor).
Desmond Andrew.
Reuben Yap.
1. One blow in Aikido can kill. When practising always obey your instructor and do not use training as a time for needless testing of strength.
2. Aikido is an art where one person learns to face many opponents simultaneously. It therefore requires that you polish and perfect each movement to become invulnerable from any direction.
3. Practise with a feeling of joy and exhilaration.
4. The teachings of your instructor constitute only a small fraction of what you will learn. Your mastery of each movement will depend almost entirely on individual earnest practise.
5. Daily practise begins with light movements gradually increasing in intensity; but there must be no overexertion. Even elderly people can practise with pleasure.
6. The purpose of Aikido is to train both body and mind sincerely. Aikido must not be taught to immoral people or used for evil purposes.
Class Schedule

Monday : 7.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m
Wednesday : 7.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m
Friday : 7.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m
The dojo welcomes visitors who are interested in joining to come early and sit and watch the practice. The dojo's leading policy is an open invitation to all people without any discrimination. As a consequence, there is, in the dojo, a rich diversity of students from both sexes and of all ages and all religions and from diverse social back grounds and varying martial arts experience. At the Seishinkan, aikido is for everybody.
Seishinkan Aikido Dojo
3rd Floor, SL 28
Panoval Commercial Centre
Jalan Simpang Tiga / Jalan Mendu
(Above Guardian)
Kuching, Sarawak
East Malaysia
Contact no.
KM Jong (+60) 012 8888 483
Desmond (+60) 012 8902446
Reuben (+60) 013 8119120
Ai Ki Do : The Way of Spiritual Harmony

The martial art of Aikido utilises an opponent's strength and movement against themselves thereby providing a truly efficient and effective system of self-defence against numerous and/or larger opponents. As Aikido practitioners also do not depend upon their own muscular strength, it is an art which is comfortably suitable for both sexes and to persons of all ages.
Aikido has obtained a far reaching audience today primarily because as we evolve into a more sophisticated form of society our choice too in our martial arts reflects that sophistication.
In the words of the Founder of Aikido :
"Aikido is nonviolence. Every human being has been entrusted with a mandate from heaven, and the victory we seek is to overcome all challenges and fight to the finish, accomplishing our goals. In aikido we never attack. If you want to strike first, to gain advantage over someone, that is proof your training is insufficient, and it is really you yourself who has been defeated. Let your partner attack, and use his aggression against him. Do not cower from an attack; control it before it begins. Nonviolence is the true practice of aikido".
- Morihei Ueshiba.
History & Affiliation

Aikido Seishinkan was founded in 1998 and is an affiliated dojo of Akademi Aikido Jyuku Aikikai Malaysia under the technical direction of Jun Yamada Shihan 7th Dan.
The Chief Instructor is Mr. Jong Kong Min and the Instructors are Mr. Desmond Andrew and Mr. Reuben Yap.
Mr. Jong, Mr. Desmond and Mr. Reuben received instruction from Yamada Shihan during Shihan's time in Kuching. Mr. Jong has also trained in Canada gathering extensive experience both from North American instructors as well as Japanese instructors resident in the United States.